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My Enlightening Journey

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.

I started my Mary Kay business like so many others, NERVOUS yet EXCITED!  And I called my Mom to announce my decision and she said, "Oh man, why would you do that?  Now that's a SCAM."  Uh-Oh!  Bummer.  Not quite the reception I had hoped for.   I'll fill you in a little later about what she thinks about Mary Kay now.


At this time in my life, I was a preschool teacher that was working 40 hours a week with 4 year olds, driving 2 hours a day AND teaching zumba three times a week.  I was physically and mentally exhausted. I never had "time" to do anything with my friends and when I had the time, I didn't have the money.  I was 24 years old and I hated my life.  My grandma, 86, told me she had more energy than I did and that I needed to "fix" my life.

One of my best friends had a Mary Kay pamper session and I really liked what I heard. I liked how you could make a lot of money working a few hours, and you had the flexibility to work when you wanted to work, and girlfriend time!  I had way more guy friends then I did girlfriends, so I excited that I could meet new women.  I had no money at the time, so I bought one of the cheapest things I could find! I listened to a Auri Hawthay phone call and fell even more in love with the company; the amazing opportunities offered and unlimited growth potential!  It sounded so exciting and gave me TONS of HOPE that there was a life outside of working around the clock.  I needed HOPE!  


Problem was, I didn't know a thing about makeup or skincare and I didn't know ANYONE I could sell to. But, after joining Mary Kay, I found out that they teach you everything you need to know!  And anyone that is teachable and coachable can also learn the simple steps to be a success.  So, I decided to give Mary Kay a try! I opened a home based business with Mary Kay Cosmetics. I joined nervous, scared, shy, short on time and knowing few people. But, I joined with a dream. A dream that I could change my life!


I had heard there were more women earning over $100k/year in Mary Kay that in any other company in America and I met several who claimed to make $10k a month, $20k a month, $60k a month and that gave me hope.  I also knew that if 3 million people sold Mary Kay, it couldn't possibly be the scam my Mom thought it was.  3 million people don't get involved in something that's a scam.


Now for the next 6 months, Mary Kay was my Plan B. I had my Mary Kay business along with my preschool and zumba job.  I sprinkled Mary Kay into my schedule and realized on average I was making almost $1,000 a month!  I was starting to think maybe Mary Kay does work! What if I do Mary Kay full time?! What would it do for my life?


I decided to make Mary Kay my full time career when my grandpa was diagnosed with colon cancer. It was the spur of the moment surgery and I asked my preschool job if I could have the day off and they told me "no".  They said they didn’t have another teacher to cover my position.  I was not ok with that, so I quit!   I remember driving to the hospital thinking, oh my gosh, what did I just do?! I quit my job and I don't have a back up! Mary Kay was not 100% in the picture BUT while I was driving to the hospital a Pink Cadillac drove past me!  I told myself I could drive a Pink Cadillac and I needed money.  After 1 year of making the decision I became a Mary Kay Sales Director, placing me in the top 2% of the company.


Our unit is made up of women!  We are busy professionals, nurses, stay-at-home moms, servers, doctors, small business owners, nannies, real estate agents, teachers, successful entrepreneurs, grandmas and college students. There is no cookie cutter for a successful Mary Kay lady.  Any woman with determination and faith can be a success.  I am proud to say that today our unit is currently on target as a unit for the prestigious Pink Cadillac!!  


So where am I now?  Mary Kay has been a blessing in my life in so many ways.  I've met so many wonderful friends, that I never would have crossed paths with had it not been for Mary Kay.  Mary Kay has made me a more confident person, a more positive thinker and has taught me how to successfully manage and run my own business.  It has been better than any self-improvement, entreprenuership or leadership course I could have ever taken in college.


Today, I don't have a BOSS!  I set my own hours and work my business around my life.  I wake up when I want, I go on vacations when I feel like it and I spend time with by friendsa and family.  Don't get me wrong, I still work hard, but it's on my own terms.  I feel blessed to be able to share with other women that you truly can have it all: You can be home, you can be a wonderful mother, an amazing wife and you can run your own lucrative business.  And, if you'd like to hire a little help around the house, you can because with a Mary Kay business, you can afford it. Overall, my priorities have shifted and I am now able to put faith first, family second and my career third.  


Maybe you are reading this and thinking that you want to help others, learn how to be an entrepreneur, make more friends or overcome your shyness.  Or maybe you need to make an extra $200 a week or you have a desire to make millions so you can give back to others. Mary Kay can be the answer to your prayers.


And as far as my Mom goes, she is my #1 fan and supporter now.  She is actually on my Mary Kay team.  A year ago, she didn't have enough information to know what Mary Kay truly could do for my life.  


Truly, it doesn't matter where you started in this wonderful life, it matters where you finish. Life is not a dress rehearsal.  You have one shot to live your dream life. What are you waiting for?  Let your life story be your motivation for a better life, not your excuse.


What's your dream for your life?  I can't wait to hear from you!  Leave a comment below.

Ashley Langer

Text Me Anytime: 651-245-4076

Email Me Anytime:



My Mary Kay Girlfriends

The Journey

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