Team Building Resources
Team Building Tools
3 A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Text Scripts asking for an interview
Text Option 1 which I send to everyone that is sharp and wonderful that I meet.
Sent the day after her first appointment with me: It's Ashley from yesterday. Quick question! I am moving up in Leadership w/MK and need to share the business opp. w/10 women. I think you are great and would love to give you the details. And even if it's not for you, I'll treat you to a super fun free gift just for helping me! Whatcha think?
Text Option 2
Super great to meet you yesterday girl! How's your products working out for you? Just wanted to check in...Also, I'm in a little challenge w/my beauty consultant friends. Would you be able to help by providing feedback on a quick online video about our company. You just watch the short video from your computer or phone & chat with my MK girlfriend & I after. And for helping me, you TOTALLY get a gift. Whatcha think?
Text Option 3
Tuesday Night Invite: Hi Sonya! It's Ashley, your makeup lady. I was curious if you'd be interested in being a model for me? I have an event on Tuesday where we have to showcase women in our new line of eyeshadows and lips and wondered if you would be able to come as a model? We give away prizes and you'll leave looking like a super moel. Would you be available one Tuesday? Hugs, Ashley
21 Day Team Building Bootcamp!
Sharing this opportunity is one of the greatest gifts we can give someone. For the next 21 days, learn tips, suggestions, scripts, and ideas from top directors and Nationals to expand your team building skills. Mary Kay Ash asked us to pass it on. Whose dreams are attached to yours??
She only asked one thing of us...
Pass this dream on.
The speed of the leader
Is the speed of the gang
Top Director Nicki Hill shares her mindset and strategy for building your team.
Top director Tricia Bless shares the team building diet plan with you!
National Sales Director Heidi Goelzer shares her mindset about team building.
Listen as top director Beth Feinstein talks about overcoming your fears and asking everyone to hear about this opportunity.
Million Dollar Sales Director Melissa Hennings talks to you about sharing the heart of Mary Kay with everyone you meet.
Cadillac Sales Director Beth Gallagher shares her strategy with you for consistent team building.
National Sales Director Diane Mentiply shares her script for team building at EVERY appointment. Mary Kay herself always said there is a new team member at every party. Learn how to find them!
Cadillac Senior Sales Director Tami Cloute shares her tips for team building success.
Listen as Sales Director Mary Beth White shares top ten tips for recruiting that she has learned as she has built her business.
Top director Kate Unger shares her story and the lessons she learned about recruiting along the way.
Senior Sales Director Vicki Paul talks about how to be intentional with recruiting at your parties.
Top Sales Director Briana Meisel shares her top 3 tips for recruiting.
Senior Sales Director Traci Hanke talks with you about layering your prospects.
Cadillac Sales Director Jamie Riley shares how she starts the layering process as soon as she books someone.
NSD Tammy Vavala reminds us about the 4 point recruiting plan that Mary Kay Ash created for us to help us to pass it on.
Listen as Sales Director Betty Biad shared with you why you should never prejudge, and offer this opportunity to everyone!
NSD Cindy Leone talks to one of her favorite topics –sharing this opportunity. Hear what she loves most about team building:
Executive Senior Sales Director Joanna Shipe shares her strategy for success.
Senior National Sales Director Cindy Williams shares with you how to learn to listen to the women that you meet, and share from your heart. She reminds us to reflect on what Mary Kay has done in our lives, and to give that gift to others.
Sales Director Ali Enerson shares with you how she medaled 6 months in a row.
Hear from Top Director Tiffany Noel Taylor on The Opportunity. She signed 33 in a single month using these techniques.
Understanding DISC
So often we tend to complicate the team building process by using too much material and information, when in fact, all the information we really need is a clear analysis of our prospect's life and HER needs so that we can give her customized information about Mary Kay -ONLY what she needs in order to make a YES decision. You can do this in 5 easy steps! But the key is, You must be a good listener, and you must ask logical questions based on her responses!! A good interviewer develops good questions that invite information, and a good interviewer LISTENS!
Team Building Is As Easy As 1,2,3( 4,5)
Step 1- Gather Information
Step 2- Explore
Step 3- Establish Interest Scale
Step 4- Overcome Objections
Step 5- Close It
It’s all right here. Welcome to the page that can supercharge your team-building success. There’s never been a better time to offer women the opportunity to turn products they love into extra income. This one-stop site brings you all the resources you need. So get inspired. Learn the latest. And find the tools for sharing the Mary Kay opportunity to build your team and your success.
As soon as you get home from your party, send this marketing follow up email to the women you sent home to watch a video. Click here to find out when Ashley is avabile to do phone interviews. **Memorize this link mkashleylanger.youcanbook.me save it as an icon on your home screen on your phone.
How to do this:
1. Log into that link on your phone
2. Click the 3 dots in the corner
3. Add to Home Screen
Team Building
Team Building Resources
Bonus Messages!
Want more? Here are a few more awesome messages to give you even more great ideas and strategies!
Lacey Bradford on 5 quick facts to book that coffee/career chat.
Carol Thompson asks, Are you talking to her like a real person and asking her to consider doing this with you? Sharing at the individual close.
Tara Geraghty and her In the Bag Marketing to engage all their senses.
Maggie Rader on Focusing on the other person, make it about them!! Listen to how she has earned 30 Gold Medals.
Beth Feinstein sharing at one to one appointments with ease.
Executive Senior Cadillac Sales Director Holly Neff shares with you her passion for our opportunity and how important it is to listen to a woman’s story!