There are certain things your MUST do after a party to keep your business running smooth. These steps also make Mary Kay a heck of a lot more fun because everything is organized! Woohoo! By entering each customer in the myCustomers business tool on InTouch, you are populating a database for future use in customer-related applications
This step is VERY VERY important!
After your 1st Party or Facial checklist
1. Send follow up email to the women you sent home a marketing video to watch (You should have scheduled them using the calendly program you added to your phone as a new consultant. Don't have it downloaded yet? Click here>>> (https://calendly.com/mkashleylanger/career-chat)
* Marketing Follow Up Email
2. Send out 2nd PMS email
Learn how to COACH your parties you booked from this party!
6. Enter each customer's profile into myCustomers at www.marykayintouch.com
*Click on Business Tools (top of home page)
*Click on myCustomers
*Click on Customer List
*Click on new Customer
*Enter information from profile into card. I usually only enter their name, address, phone number, email, and birthday so I can send them the catalog and birthday cards
7. Enter each customer's sales into myCustomers at www.marykayintouch.com
*Click on Business Tools (top of home page)
*Click on myCustomers
*Search Customer's Name
*Click New Order (top right hand side)
3. Send a Thank You Postcard
*This is a great way to say thank you and show that your customers are more than "just customers". This is what my postcard says. You can buy them from me or hand write them yourself:)
" Thank you so much!!! Thank you for supporting my Mary Kay Business and helping me achieve my DREAM! I couldn't do it without you and I look foward to having you as a customer, LUCKY ME!!
Thanks again, Ashley"
4. Mark in your calendar 2 + 2 + 2 follow up dates.
*Best way to do this is schedule it in your phone as a scheduled message OR put it on your calendar for that day to follow up.
5.Enter customer in my P.O.P sheet (Email WEEKLY to director( Ashley) at mkashleylanger@gmail.com
​8. Clean mirrors/organize party stuff
9. You have booked a party (or multiple) from your party. Now it's time to COACH them!