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When I was a new Beauty Consultant, I was so scared to book appointments.  Until I realized that we ARE NOT selling a product. Instead, we are offering a gift.  We offer the gift of 1-2 hour of pampering and beauty time to women who are overworked, under-appreciated and in need of some relaxation.  So, our gift is easy to share with women because they truly need a break from their insanely busy lives and when you can get the dollar signs out of your mind and you focus on making her feel important, your business will absolultely flourish. It has been said that 80% of all sales are made after the 5th contact… but only 10% of sales people are willing to make those 5 calls! Be part of that 10% by being PLEASANTLY persistent.

Magical Booking Words
Find your Why for SUCCESS!
How to Find Brand New Clients

Bookings…the life line of your business.
If you are out of bookings you are out of busi

Check out the different links to voxer messages from over 20 directors across the nation. Each of these voxers were recorded with YOU in mind and from the perspective of a) what if I don’t have any help from family or friends AT ALL and b) what if I exhausted my family and friends and want to RESTART my business 

1. Set goals MONTHLY:  Whats your WHY this month?  What will your MK money pay for?  A trip, iPad, school, clothes, a house, a car...???  Figure out what it is you want. 


Learn how to COACH your party you just booked

1. Watch 21 Day Challenge video to understand how to make an EASY routine of making your calls DAILY! 


Key Booking Principles

2.You know your what days and times you work for your regular "JOB"b right?  That should be the same for your Mary Kay business! Know when you are going to work your business. Print enough of these (4) to have a month planned at a time. Then fill them out weekly.

If Millionaire Pink Cadillac Sales Directors and Nationals fill this out weekly.... you should too! How do you think they became so successful?!  

Step 1: Grab your highlighters

Step 2: Fill in your personal obligations
Step 3: Fill in the times you will work your Mary Kay! Remember God 1st, Family 2nd, Career 3rd.... NOT 33RD!


*Put this on your fridge so you and your family see it daily.


  • Your "Pretend Wedding List of 150 name
    (Don't have your wedding list or know what it is?
    click here to listen)

  • Printed 21 Day Challenge script Power Booking Script

  • Highlighters -- blue, green, yellow, orange, red, purple and pink (whatever colors you want)

  • Notebook & Planner

  • File System

How to get the best results for bookings....

How to TRACK your Calls (Virtual) 

Lets Make MOVES and get BOOKINGS!

Booking Scripts

A TRACKED number grows

How to get NEW LEADS and all the tool you need

Booking BOOT CAMP 21 Days of ideas

2.Group your 150 pretending wedding list into three groups of 10 (like the video above showed you). 

**Make sure to email Ashley your wedding list at


3.START calling you Wedding list using the  Power Booking Script

***Call the 'easiest' name first. This boosts your morale.  If you need to do jumping jacks before hand to get you pumped up, go ahead!!  Make sure to smile on the phone :)

***Make the calls. Don't worry about the answers, just focus on the activity. When you focus on the activity, results come.  You will get no's, I promise. Take your personal feelings off the table, hearing no‘s‘ just comes with the territory


***Celebrate your success. One booking is success! Jump, dance, sing - you just accomplished one of THE most important part of your business!


Make it a goal to get 1 booking a day or contact 10 women a day. You will get bookings when you use the Power Booking Script word for word.

Example calls

Booking Boot Camp Day 1:
Check out how Ellen Beaulieu warm chatters when she's out and about.'s so NOT in her comfort zone so she's found a way to make it work for her! It becomes natural and just part of her day.

Booking Boot Camp Day 2:
How does Broadway Star Michele McConnell fill up her books with appts, working 6 days a week and during the hours when most people are off AND living in the NYC metro area where everyone is in a hurry? 

Booking Boot Camp Day 3:
Boot Camp today is on scripts for live lead events. Tabitha Harvey loves doing live events. Here is her script and what she does at the event to gather leads. Women WANT to stop by her table!

Booking Boot Camp Day 4:
Beth Feinstein, trains on how to step outside the lines and thinking creatively to find new bookings and leads. 

Booking Boot Camp Day 5:
Jen Steiger voxes us from Delaware to share her favorite lead generator. She is naturally shy and introverted but has an amazing and easy way to work lead generation into a quick lunch break or on the way home from work. 

Booking Boot Camp Day 6:
Tiffany Noel Taylor, shares about how she turns facials into parties. In DIQ, she personally recruited over 30 women!!!

Booking Boot Camp Day 7:
Cindy Fernandez is outstanding at booking from bookings!!! Here's her scripts and her mantra that have led to her success!!

Booking Boot Camp Day 8:
Think it's impossible to earn a car and be a director in less than 4 months and debut by the end of the seminar year (June 30th), listen to this!! Krystal Gomez did it and this is how!!! Now just 7 months in Mk and she's wrapping up her equinox and heading straight to Cadillac!

Booking Boot Camp Day 9:
Beth Feinstein trains again on how to book when the weather is totally against you, Snow days, backup plans and working through your customer clientele list in today's booking boot Camp

Booking Boot Camp Day 10:
Scripts scripts and more scripts!! Listen to how Lilac Gallery fills her date book year after year after year!  

Booking Boot Camp Day 11: 
Imagine picking up, moving 15 hours away to a new state and the only people you know are 2 men. How do you restart your business when that happens or just start from scratch? Listen below to hear how Amy Kirby did it

Booking Boot Camp Day 12:
This booking boot Camp comes from National Sales Director (and 5-time Million Dollar Director), Lisa Allison. It's her favorite way to find new hostesses

Booking Boot Camp Day 13: 
NSD Lisa Allison trained in a second vox as well!! Where is the #1 place to find your hostesses? 3 tip from this top National Sales Director 

Booking Boot Camp Day 14:
Booking boot Camp today comes from Casi Hill. Brilliant ideas!!!!!!! Love her scripts and how she phrases her words and the details she provides.  

Booking Boot Camp Day 15:
How did $500,000+ unit club, Triple Star Director, Cristina Hernandez,create momentum, gather leads and fill her datebook when it was empty? And did I mention she HATES warm chattering!

Booking Boot Camp Day 16:
How does Regina Kruger find new bookings especially after relocating to a different state? Hear her scripts and ideas in the vox below.

Booking Boot Camp Day 17:
Listen below to hear how Elizabeth (Liz) Chatel shared how she meets, networks and connects with other women and how that leads to bookings in her day to day life.

Booking Boot Camp Day 18:
How does Katrina Bills fill up her datebook and give back at the same time? Check out her awesome ideas  

Booking Boot Camp Day 19:
When Michelle Byers started Mk, her recruiter worked at the same school and had a clientele there already. Michelle had to find different ways to launch her business and within the first two weeks was already booking her own live events. Listen to what Michelle did beforehand, during and after a live lead event.

Booking Boot Camp Day 20
Cari Newby, walks us through those times when she's been stuck and how she overcame them. She is naturally shy and found a way to "be brave" even when she wasn't. I love her quote, "you are just one person away from a new circle of influence." What does that mean and what did she do? This is a 2pt vox (pt. 2 is just 2:3 min) and although it's a little longer, it is WELL WORTH listening to every minute as she trains on conversational booking.

Part 1 

Part 2 

Booking Boot Camp Day 21:
Our final booking boot Camp is from Top Trip Director, Sara Pennell, on how to bring everything ALL TOGETHER and how to protect your heart and your emotions when it comes to bookings. PLUS her go-to most favorite script. 

Remember, a woman will book and HOLD a party for 1 of 3 reasons:

1. For free product 

2. To pamper/have fun with friends

3. To help you


When you call to book there are 3 things you MUST cover:

1. What's in it for her

2. What's in it for you

3. Why NOW  - must be a timeline for our goal otherwise they may try to book many months out.

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